TITLE: Improved Catalysts for Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels from Syngas. First Quarterly Technical Progress Report, September-December 1984. INST. AUTHOR: Union Carbide Corp., Tarrytown, NY. Tarrytown Technical Center. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1984, 17p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE85006569/INW ABSTRACT: The objective of the contract is to consolidate the advances made during the previous contract in the conversion of syngas to motor fuels using Molecular Sieve-containing catalysts and to demonstrate the practical utility and economic value of the new catalyst/process systems with appropriate laboratory runs. Work on the program is divided into the following six tasks: (1) preparation of a detailed work plan covering the entire performance of the contract; (2) techno-economic studies that will supplement those that are presently being carried out by MITRE; (3) optimization of the most promising catalysts developed under prior contract; (4) optimization of the UCC catalyst system in a manner that will give it the longest possible service life; (5) optimization of a UCC process/catalyst system based upon a tubular reactor with a recycle loop containing the most promising catalyst developed under Tasks 3 and 4 studies; and (6) economic evaluation of the optimal performance found under Task 5 for the UCC process/catalyst system. Progress reports are presented for Tasks 1, 3, 4, and 5. (ERA citation 10:018082) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/70028-T1 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-84PC70028 |