TITLE: Source Term Estimates for Synthetic Fuels Technologies: Indirect Coal Liquefaction Technologies. INST. AUTHOR: TRW Energy Div., Redondo Beach, CA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Jan 86, 100p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE86006733/INW ABSTRACT: This report presents the Task 1 results for indirect liquefaction technologies (i.e., Lurgi and K-T based F-T synfuels facilities). Base plant configurations evaluated in this report have been adapted from conceptual design information compiled for EPA's Pollution Control Technical Manuals (PCTMs) for the subject technologies; hence, process descriptions presented herein have been abstracted from these documents. Detailed references to the original data sources are provided in this document to support characterization data from the PCTMs and other publications. 84 refs. (ERA citation 11:018997) REPORT NUMBER: ORNL/SUB-83-13817/2-01 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC05-84OR21400 |