TITLE: Tri-State Synfuels Project Review: Volume 14. Commercial Scale Coal Test. INST. AUTHOR: Tri-State Synfuels Co., Houston, TX. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Jun 82, 166p. ABSTRACT: This report focuses on the overall program consisting of planning, implementing and supervising the activities surrounding the commercial scale gasification test of Camp 1 coal in the Lurgi Mark IV gasifier at the Sasol One Plant in Sasolburg, Republic of South Africa. The overall program was conducted to provide the design and environmental criteria bases for the Tri-State Synfuels Project, a venture of Tri-State Synfuels Company. The work involved the following individual programs: Selection of Calmp 1 coal. Collection and Shipment, Gasification Test at Sasolburg, Coal Fines utilization in Furnace Boilers, Kentucky Stockpile Tests, Export Sample Program, and Wastewater Treatability Study. Each individual program is reported in detail in Commercial Scale Coal Test, Volumes 1 through 6. Supplementary work on the sampling and testing program for run-of-mine Illinois Basin coals has been reviewed in the Tri-State Synfuels Project Review Report, Volume 13, Coal Sampling and Testing, June1982. The contents of this volume were revised in NOvember 1982 to take into account the completion of the export sample program and the wastewater treatability study. The export sample program had been interrupted by the demobilization activities but has now been completed. The wastewater treatability study was commenced prior to demobilization. However, due to the lengthy nature of the program, the study was only recent completed. The expeirmental results of both studies and design recommendations and conclusions are included in this volume. (ERA citation 08:019512) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/OR/20807-T1-V.14 CONTRACT NUMBER: FC05-81OR20807 |