TITLE: Advance concepts for the conversion of syngas liquids. Quarterly report no. 6, January 1--March 31, 1996. AUTHOR: R. Szostak; C. Ingram. INST. AUTHOR: Clark Atlanta Univ., GA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1996, 11p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE97050632INW ABSTRACT: Research activities for the period January 1, 1995 to March 31, 1996 have been focused on the characterization of catalyst samples, mainly by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Spectroscopic Techniques. These studies revealed the strong presence of hydroxyls in our synthetic metal substituted aluminophosphate (MeAPO-36) samples, the amount of which appear to vary depending on the type of metal in the framework. In this report, cases of magnesium, cobalt and manganese are highlighted and compared. The hydroxyl groups present in these samples also shows some interaction with basic probe molecules such as ammonia. Details studies are in progress. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/MT/94010-T8 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-94MT94010 |