TITLE: Advance concepts for the conversion of syngas liquids. Quarterly report (number sign)5, October 30, 1995--January 31, 1996. AUTHOR: R. Szostak; C. Ingram. INST. AUTHOR: Clark Atlanta Univ., GA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 12 Feb 96, 19p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE96012089INW ABSTRACT: Research efforts for the report period have been focused on the characterization of catalyst samples, mainly by ion exchange and spectroscopic techniques. Other activities included the preparation of more variants of the MeAPO-36 family containing various types and amounts of metals in their frameworks. Characterization of these samples by X-ray diffraction analysis was delayed due to malfunction of the Diffractometer since October of 1995. The instrument was back in working condition only since the ending of January and XRD analysis has resumed since then. Efforts from the research group were also concentrated on the preparation of manuscripts for publication. Work in progress includes: synthesis of MnAPO5 and MgAPO5; synthesis of CoAPO5; chemical analysis; preliminary investigation of ion exchange capacities of zeolites; uptake kinetics on the Na-exchanged MnAPO5 and MgAPO5 with alkali and alkali earth metals. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/MT/94010-T5 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-94MT94010 |