TITLE: Irradiation Effects on the Reaction of Mixture of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen, 1. AUTHOR: S. Sugimoto; M. Nishii; T. Sugiura. INST. AUTHOR: Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. LANGUAGE: Japanese PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Japan SOURCE: Other [INIS], Oct 78, 69p. ABSTRACT: Whether or not a radiation chemical method is useful for obtaining chemical raw materials from carbon monoxide and hydrogen in future chemical industries has been studied. the experimental results of the radiation chemistry studies of the above gas mixture from April 1974 through October 1976 are described. Irradiation was made with an electron beam from a Van de Graaff electron accelerator, using a stainless-steel 7-liter irradiation vessel equipped with a titanium irradiation window 30 mu m thick, under pressures up to 1000 Torr. A variety of oxygen-containing products could be observed such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, trioxane, tetraoxane, methanol, formic acid, acetic acid, methyl formate, glyoxal, and carbon suboxide, and hydrocarbons like methane. Yields and G values of the products were determined for various reaction conditions such as composition, additive, pressure, and temperature of the mixture, and irradiation conditions such as electron accelerating voltage, beam current, and irradiation time. An experiment was also made on the system containing ammonia as an additive, to reveal precursors of the oxygen-containing products. (Atomindex citation 10:481737) |