TITLE: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in supercritical reaction media. Progress report, October 1, 1993--December 31, 1993.

AUTHOR: B. Subramaniam;   D. Bochniak;   K. Snavely.

INST.  AUTHOR: Kansas Univ., Lawrence. Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  Jan 94,  7p.



Construction of the automated high pressure reactor unit was completed.  Testing of the reactor and trial runs are currently in progress. An HP 5890 GC/FID system interfaced with an BP 3365 Chemstation is now in place for analysis of F-T synthesis products. Calibration methods are currently under development. The pressure transducers were successfully calibrated using high precision Heise gauges. Figure 1 shows the linearity of the transducer response. The HPLC pump, used for pumping n-hexane was also tested and calibrated. The agitated sand bath surrounding the reactor (meant for absorbing the high heat of reaction produced in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis) was assembled in place and successfully tested. The entire system was tested to withstand the operating pressures and to be free of leaks. A cold wax trap was fabricated and added to the existing setup.  This is similar in nature to the hot wax trap and will serve to collect condensables from the product stream not collected in the hot wax trap and from the GC exhaust stream. Pressure control (using the stepping-motor-driven micrometering valve) and temperature control tests are currently in progress aimed at establishing the control parameters.  Thereafter, the experimental investigations consisting of the blank runs and sub-, near-, and supercritical experiments will be commenced. Progress was made in the development of both on-line and off-line analyses.  Off-line analysis determines retention times (compound identification) and response factors (quantitative analysis).