TITLE: Development of Catalytic Systems for the Conversion of Syngas to Jet Fuel and Diesel Fuel and Higher Alcohols. Annual Report. AUTHOR: W. A. Slegeir. INST. AUTHOR: Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Oct 80, 18p. NTIS REPORT NO.: DE82000067 ABSTRACT: Highlights of the year's research activities are reported. A highly active series of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts were developed during FY 1980, on the basis of insights provided by the oxide theory. The method of catalyst formulation is unique in Fischer-Tropsch chemistry, yet is simple and reproducible. These catalysts offer the promise of being superior to ordinary catalysts for hydrocarbon synthesis with regard to rate, operating conditions, and, quite possibly, product selectivity and longevity. The products of these catalysts appear to be ideally suited for use as diesel and jet fuels. Once formed, the catalysts display remarkable stability toward air. Specific descriptions of catalyst preparations and composition of matter must be withheld pending patent protection. Also during FY 1980, an exploratory program was directed toward achieving a better understanding of support effects, oxide interactions, the role of promoters, and the synergistic behavior of bimetallic catalysts systems. Some results dealing with bimetallic systems for hydrocarbon and alcohol synthesis are discussed. (ERA citation 06:034419) REPORT NUMBER: BNL-51423 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC02-76CH00016 |