TITLE: Technology development for cobalt F-T catalysts. Quarterly technical progress report No. 2, January 1, 1993--March 31, 1993. AUTHOR: A. H. Singleton. INST. AUTHOR: Energy International, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 27 Jul 93, 44p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE93041296INW ABSTRACT: During this reporting period procurements and installations were made for the purpose of refurbishing and refitting the two SBCR units that had been used in the recent past for Fischer-Tropsch development projects. The objective of Subtask 2.2 is to test in a slurry bubble column reactor catalysts that have shown satisfactory performance in a fixed-bed reactor. This is necessary because catalysts which perform satisfactorily in a fixed bed environment will not necessarily perform as well in a slurry environment. Catalyst density is particularly important. A catalyst with a high metals loading may show high activity in a fixed bed but perform poorly in a slurry reactor due to catalyst settling. Successful development of new or improved catalysts requires catalyst testing at various levels. Because complete testing (aging, complete characterization, etc.) of a catalyst is very expensive and time consuming, such complete testing will only be done for a select number of samples. Thus, it is imperative that preliminary testing be conducted in a rapid and efficient manner to reduce the number of catalyst formulations that proceed to further testing. Two virtually identical units, called M-3 and M-4, have been created from existing equipment/hardware with the addition of new procurements. Also, design modifications were made as a result of experience with operation of the units under related and similar conditions. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/92108-T2 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-92PC92108 |