TITLE: Technology development for cobalt F-T catalysts. Quarterly technical progress report No. 2, January 1, 1993--March 31, 1993.

AUTHOR: A. H. Singleton.

INST.  AUTHOR: Energy International, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  27 Jul 93,  44p.



During this reporting period procurements and installations were made for the purpose of refurbishing and refitting the two SBCR units that had been used in the recent past for Fischer-Tropsch development projects. The objective of Subtask 2.2 is to test in a slurry bubble column reactor catalysts that have shown satisfactory performance in a fixed-bed reactor.  This is necessary because catalysts which perform satisfactorily in a fixed bed environment will not necessarily perform as well in a slurry environment. Catalyst density is particularly important. A catalyst with a high metals loading may show high activity in a fixed bed but perform poorly in a slurry reactor due to catalyst settling. Successful development of new or improved catalysts requires catalyst testing at various levels. Because complete testing (aging, complete characterization, etc.) of a catalyst is very expensive and time consuming, such complete testing will only be done for a select number of samples. Thus, it is imperative that preliminary testing be conducted in a rapid and efficient manner to reduce the number of catalyst formulations that proceed to further testing. Two virtually identical units, called M-3 and M-4, have been created from existing equipment/hardware with the addition of new procurements. Also, design modifications were made as a result of experience with operation of the units under related and similar conditions.