TITLE: Fischer-Tropsch Slurry Phase Process Variations to Understand Wax Formations: Quarterly Report, July 1, 1987-September 30, 1987. AUTHOR: C. N. Satterfield. INST. AUTHOR: Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1987, 31p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE88001855/INW ABSTRACT: The performance of a sample of Ruhrchemie catalyst is compared in an approximate fashion to that of a PETC precipitated Fe catalyst, Mobil low wax and high wax catalysts, Sasol fixed bed catalyst and C-73 fused magnetite catalyst. Results indicate that the Ruhrchemie catalyst has about one-third the activity of the other catalysts, and is much less active for the water gas shift. It shows a double alpha distribution, breaking at about C sub 7 , alpha sub 1 = 0.68 and alpha sub 2 = 0.85. C/sub 12+/ formation was comparable to that from the PETC catalyst and the Mobil low wax catalyst, higher than that from C-73 and lower than that produced by Mobil high wax catalyst and in the Sasol fixed bed reactors. The effect of adding CO sub 2 during synthesis on a C-73 magnetite catalyst has been studied. CO sub 2 forms H sub 2 O by the reverse water gas shift and the kinetics observed can be attributed to the H sub 2 O formation. The effects on product selectivity also seem to be mostly attributable to the H sub 2 O formed. 6 figs., 3 tabs. (ERA citation 13:005567) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/80015-8 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-85PC80015 |