TITLE: Low Temperature Methanol Synthesis Catalyst and Process Development. AUTHOR: R. Sapienza; W. Slegeir; D. Mahajan; M. Foran; T. O'Hare. INST. AUTHOR: Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Apr 85, 18p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE85017837/INW NOTES: 10. annual EPRI contractors' conference on coal liquefaction, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 23 Apr 1985. ABSTRACT: A new catalyst system for synthesis of methanol has been conceived and tested on the laboratory scale by the Fuels and Catalysis Division of the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The catalyst system is made up of mutually soluble liquid components and its novel nature permits operation at remarkably mild conditions. Rapid conversion of synthesis gas has been obtained in laboratory tests at about 100 exp 0 C and pressures ranging from 300 to below 100 pounds per square inch absolute. Patent applications on the catalyst system have been filed and are being processed. The advantages of low temperature operation due to the catalyst are considered. Since the presence of some nitrogen does not affect the process, the use of air-blown gasification is suggested for economic effects. The development of continuous reactors is underway. 3 refs. (ERA citation 10:048323) REPORT NUMBER: BNL-36733; CONF-8504130-3 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC02-76CH00016 |