TITLE: Novel approaches to the production of higher alcohols from synthesis gas. Quarterly technical progress report No. 16, July 1, 1994--September 30, 1994. AUTHOR: G. W. Roberts. INST. AUTHOR: North Carolina State Univ. at Raleigh. Dept. of Chemical Engineering. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1 Mar 96, 13p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE96010238INW ABSTRACT: Accomplishments for Task 2, liquid-phase, higher alcohol process with recycle of lower alcohols, are as follows: (1) a new reactor overhead system design has significantly improved retention of slurry oil during reactor operation at high temperature, ca. 375(degrees)C; (2) a series of ''blank'' (without catalyst) runs were made at 375(degrees)C to evaluate thermal stability of three potential slurry liquids, Drakeol(reg sign), Ethylflo(reg sign) 180 and perhydrofluorene; and (3) the rate of methanol formation with the Cu/ZnO BASF S3-86 ''low temperature'' methanol synthesis catalyst was a strong function of stirrer speed at a ''standard'' set of operating conditions. This result suggest that the reaction rate is influenced or controlled by gas/liquid mass transfer, and may explain the previously-observed discrepancy between results from this laboratory and those from Air Products. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/90043-T16 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-90PC90043 |