TITLE: Novel approaches to the production of higher alcohols from synthesis gas. Quarterly Technical progress report No. 8, July 1, 1992--September 30, 1992.

AUTHOR: G. Roberts;   S. Kow.

INST.  AUTHOR: North Carolina State Univ. at Raleigh. Dept. of Chemical Engineering.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  14 Apr 93,  16p.



A detailed technical plan for research on higher-alcohol synthesis in a slurry reactor was prepared and approved internally, as part of the University's requirements for the doctoral degree. The focus of this plan is the high-pressure methanol synthesis catalyst, and modifications thereof. A major challenge of the research will be to identify a slurry medium that is stable at the typical operating temperature of this catalyst, i.e., about 400(degrees)C. Two shakedown runs were made in the stirred autoclave without catalyst in order to check the mechanical operation of the system and to test some of the analytical equipment.  Further preparation, characterization and screening of higher-oxygenate synthesis catalysts based on rhodium were carried out. The catalyst compositions tested during the period were: Rh/Al(sub 2)O(sub 3), Rh/Nb/Al(sub 2)O(sub 3), Mo/Rh/Al(sub 2)O(sub 3) and W/Rh/Al(sub 2)O(sub 3). All catalysts contained a nominal 1 wt. % Rh. Rh/Nb/Al(sub 2)O(sub 3) and Rh/Mo/Al(sub 2)O(sub 3) were about twice as active for COconversion as the other catalysts. However, oxygenate yields were disappointing for all of the compositions tested. The Rh/Mo/Al(sub 2)O(sub 3) catalyst had the highest carbon efficiency to oxygenates, 33%. (ERA citation 18:023215)