TITLE: Design of generic coal conversion facilities: Process release---Direct coal liquefaction. INST. AUTHOR: Pullman Kellogg, Houston, TX. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Sep 91, 43p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE92011421INW ABSTRACT: The direct liquefaction portion of the PETC generic direct coal liquefaction process development unit (PDU) is being designed to provide maximum operating flexibility. The PDU design will permit catalytic and non-catalytic liquefaction concepts to be investigated at their proof-of-the-concept stages before any larger scale operations are attempted. The principal variations from concept to concept are reactor configurations and types. These include thermal reactor, ebullating bed reactor, slurry phase reactor and fixed bed reactor, as well as different types of catalyst. All of these operating modes are necessary to define and identify the optimum process conditions and configurations for determining improved economical liquefaction technology. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/89854-T2 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-91PC89854 |