TITLE: Design of slurry reactor for indirect liquefaction applications. Quarterly technical progress report, January 1990--March 1990. AUTHOR: A. Prakash; P. G. Bendale. INST. AUTHOR: Viking Systems International, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 11 Apr 90, 22p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE92008955INW ABSTRACT: The objective of this project is to design a conceptual slurry reactor for two indirect liquefaction applications; production of methanol and production of hydrocarbon fuels via Fischer-Tropsch route. The work will be accomplished by the formulation of reactor models for both the processes and use computer simulation. Process data, kinetic and thermodynamic data, heat and mass transfer data and hydrodynamic data will be used in the mathematical models to describe the slurry reactor for each of the two processes. The cost of current vapor phase reactor systems will be compared with cost estimated for the slurry reactor systems. For the vapor phase systems, upstream and downstream processing equipments may have to be included during cost analysis for a meaningful cost comparison. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/89870-T5 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-89PC89870 |