TITLE: Low-Temperature Methanation and Fischer-Tropsch Activity Over Supported Ruthenium, Nickel, and Cobalt Catalysts. AUTHOR: J. B. Powell; S. H. Langer. INST. AUTHOR: Wisconsin Univ.-Madison. Dept. of Chemical Engineering. SPONSOR: Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, NC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Defense [DODXR]; Department of Defense [DODA], 1985, 5p. NTIS ORDER NO.: AD-A165 676/8/INW NOTES: Pub. in Jnl. of Catalysis, v94 p566-569 1985. Reprint: Low-Temperature Methanation and Fischer-Tropsch Activity Over Supported Ruthenium, Nickel, and Cobalt Catalysts. ABSTRACT: It has been shown previously that surface carbon derived from the dissociation of CO on supported ruthenium, nickel, and cobalt catalysts at temperatures in excess of 423 K can be hydrogenated to methane at room temperature. However, methanation activity for CO absorbed at ambient temperatures on these catalysts has not been observed. Here we report methane formation from CO adsorbed under H2 and hydrogenated at ambient temperature (298-307 K) on supported ruthenium, nickel, and cobalt catalysts. Hydrocarbon chain growth on ruthenium at a slightly higher temperature (324 K) is also reported. A sensitive stopped-flow gas chromatographic reactor technique was employed to measure the small rates of reaction at these temperatures. REPORT NUMBER: RO 20191.2-CH CONTRACT NUMBER: DAAG29-83-K-0162 |