TITLE: Foreign Coal-Liquefaction-Technology Survey and Assessment. AUTHOR: T. D. Pay; S. S. Patel. INST. AUTHOR: Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. SPONSOR: Gilbert Associates, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN.*Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Oct 81, 341p. ABSTRACT: The Foreign Coal Liquefaction Technology Survey and Assessment is part of the International Energy Technology Assessment effort. Although it might have been desirable to include all technologies from all countries, this was not possible with the resources available. Instead, only six countries were chosen. They are Australia, the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), Japan, New Zealand, South Africa and the United Kingdom. These countries were selected because they have active coal liquefaction programs, are using or developing technologies that could be used in the US and/or involved with US coal liquefaction programs. To place the programs in these countries into perspective, the resources that each has and the policies that have been adopted by their governments are presented. Although each of these countries has numerous programs underway or planned, the amount of information available on each program varies. Brief descriptions of the programs are given in the first chapter; the second chapter deals only with those liquefaction projects and gasifiers associated with direct liquefaction for which an adequate amount of reference material could be found. Because there are many aspects of direct liquefaction that are critical and for which much development work is still required, there was a need for the third chapter. Here, critical areas common to all or many liquefaction systems are described, making use of material from one or more liquefaction projects. Materials of construction are dealt with as a separate topic. Coal liquefaction has placed new demands on the performance of materials. Hostile environments abound and innovations in materials will be necessary in order for some of the less-developed technologies to reach fruition.(ERA citation 07:001718) REPORT NUMBER: ORNL/SUB-79/13837/6 CONTRACT NUMBER: W-7405-ENG-26 |