TITLE: Interactions of hydrogen with alkali promoted Ru/SiO(sub 2) catalysts: A proton NMR study. AUTHOR: U. D. Ozbay. INST. AUTHOR: Ames Lab., IA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Thesis PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 10 May 94, 197p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE94014236INW ABSTRACT: Role of H spillover to the silica support was studied using chemisorption; a strongly bound component of spilled over H was found in the silica support which interfered with accurate measurements of active metal sites via volumetric strong H chemisorption. The volumetric chemisorption technique was modified so that measurement times were reduced from 12--36 h to 1 h. The active Ru surface was characterized means of changes in proton spin counts and NMR Knight shifts vs alkali loading. Na, K blocked the active surface of Ru metal, but Cs was pushed off by H chemisorption. The alkali promoters restricted H mobility on both metal surface and at the metal support interfaces; this is consistent with effects on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. (sup 1)H NMR was used to study the effect of the active metal and promoter on support hydroxyl groups. The OH group density in the silica support decreased with metal and/or promoter loading, but not on a one-to-one basis; the exchange efficiency of the hydroxyls decreased with atomic size of the alkali metal. An additional downfield proton resonance was detected which was assigned to the alkali hydroxide species in the support. REPORT NUMBER: IS-T-1690 CONTRACT NUMBER: W-7405-ENG-82 |