TITLE: Research Strategy to Permit Greater Utilization of Domestic Fossil Energy Resources. AUTHOR: T. E. O'Hare. INST. AUTHOR: Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Mar 82, 17p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE82018339 ABSTRACT: Discussed are 3 approaches taken for developing fossil energy resources: carbon monoxide and synthesis gas; coal-water slurries; and control of ashes. Carbon monoxide and synthesis gas serve as clean multipurpose feedstocks for use as a source of future industrial raw materials and fuels. Coal-water slurries are a poor man's synfuel. It makes practical the use of coal in oil-fired utility boilers, industrial heaters, and furnaces. Ash is a deterrent to the use of coal because it is burdensome to dispose of and has serious effects on equipment, the environment, and man. An objective of coal cleaning should be ash removal as well as sulfur. (ERA citation 07:045644) REPORT NUMBER: BNL-51554 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC02-76CH00016 |