TITLE: Multi-Process Demonstration Plant Preliminary Design/Economic Evaluation. R And D Report No. 114, Interim Report No. 7.

AUTHOR: J. B. O'Hara;   A. Bela;   N. E. Jentz;   H. W. Klumpe;   B. I. Loran.

INST.  AUTHOR: Parsons (Ralph M.) Co., Pasadena, CA.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  Sep 78,  178p.


The MPDP design consists of the following: three principal process plants; coal receiving storage and handling facilities; and the necessary ancillaries to service the plants and a plant population of approximately 530 people. The key elements of the three plants are: plant 1 is a low pressure coal gasifier, which can be operated either in the air-blown or oxygen-blown mode, with attendant heat and sulfur recovery auxiliaries.  The products generated are, initially, low-Btu fuel gas, steam, and byproduct sulfur. Plant 2 consists of two oxygen-blown intermediate pressure gasifiers, entrained and fluid-bed types with oxygen plant, heat and sulfur recovery equipment, and a combined-cycle power plant. The design provides for one of the two gasifier types to be operated at any given time. The combined-cycle power plant will provide facilities for demonstrating the performance of closely coupled generation of environmentally acceptable intermediate-Btu fuel gases from coal followed by converison to electricity in a high efficiency mode. In addition to supplying fuel gas to the combined-cycle power plant, the gasifiers will produce synthesis gas (syngas) for use in a Fischer--Tropsch indirect liquefaction plant. This syngas can later be used as feed to other indirect liquefaction facilities such as methanol, or it can be used as a source of reducing gases for tests on hydroliquefaction or donor solvent coal liquefaction plants. The informaion obtained from this syngas production unit could complement that obtained from other pilot plant and demonstration plant programs. (ERA citation 04:038051)