TITLE: Program to Evaluate the Potential of the Synthesis of Chemicals from Coal as an ERDA Research Program. INST. AUTHOR: Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. SPONSOR: Department of Energy. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Sep 77, 86p. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this project is to assess the desirability of facilitating the production of chemical feedstocks from coal and oil shale resources, and to provide suggestions for future ERDA research programs based on the results found. Program suggestions are based on a review of factors critical to the use of coal and oil shale for chemical production and the status of current ERDA program efforts. The approach used in the study consists of the following steps: Review of petrochemical feedstock demand and fuel supply demand projections; determination of how coal and oil shale technologies could relate to the processing routes for chemical feedstocks; identification of factors critical to the utilization of coal- and oil shale-drived petrochemical feedstocks; review of ERDA programs potentially related to producing chemicals from coal and oil shale; and suggestions for future ERDA research programs. The suggestions made for ERDA research programs were in the areas of: Catalyst Development; Processing Techniques; Characterization of Liquids; Economics; and Environment, Safety, and Health. Catalyst development is considered to be the most important technological development need for the near term. (ERA citation 03:056375) CONTRACT NUMBER: W-7405-ENG-26 |