TITLE: Surface Studies of Carbide Formation in Iron Synthesis Catalysts.  Technical Progress Report, April 1, 1985-June 30, 1985.

INST.  AUTHOR: Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL. Dept. of Chemistry.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  1985,  3p.



A primary goal of this research is to use x-ray photoelectron and Auger electron spectroscopy to characterize the active surfaces formed on iron catalysts during the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The evolution of surface iron and carbon species during low conversion synthesis over reduced metal catalysts is an area of particular interest. A second area of interest is the relationship between synthesis conditions (primarily CO conversion level) and the steady-state surface composition of iron catalysts.  Adsorption of product water and the formation of surface oxide phases at higher conversions are likely to play a significant role in determining the activity/selectivity behavior of these materials. The first segment of the research involved a detailed XPS study of the iron phases associated with synthesis catalysts, to determine methods for quantitative identification of the various chemical states of iron. Results of this study were compiled by the graduate research assistant as a thesis for the M.S. degree during the last reporting period. The second phase of the research involves applying these results to the study of bulk and silica-supported catalysts following exposure to synthesis conditions.  Efforts during this reporting period focused on two areas - addition of an on-line gas chromatography system to be used in conjunction with the surface analysis chamber, and construction of an apparatus to perform hydrogen chemisorption measurements on reduced catalyst samples.  Calibration and preliminary reaction measurements using this system are currently underway. (ERA citation 10:041442)