TITLE: Catalytic Reactions of Synthesis Gas. Part 4. Heterogeneous Hydroformylation. AUTHOR: M. Niemelae. INST. AUTHOR: Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Espoo (Finland). Dept. of Chemical Engineering. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Finland SOURCE: Foreign source - Finland [TFHUT], 1994, 28p. ISBN: 951-22-2369-4 NTIS ORDER NO.: PB95-195558INW ABSTRACT: Rhodium and cobalt exhibit superior performance in homogeneous hydroformylation compared with other metal catalysts. Thus far heterogeneous hydroformylation catalysts have not been commercialized. Decomposed carbonyls on various inorganic supports have been studied in hydroformylation reaction as a probe reaction for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Addition of ethylene and propylene to the reaction mixture of CO and H2 has resulted in the formation of typical hydroformylation products particularly on Rh and Co catalysts. In conclusion, ethylene or propylene hydroformylation is a suitable test reaction for molecular activation of CO, and it supplements well the catalyst characterizations by dissociative activation of CO in synthesis gas reaction. |