TITLE: Coal in New Zealand. Resources, Mining, Use, Infrastructure. INST. AUTHOR: New Zealand Energy Research and Development Committee, Auckland. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: New Zealand SOURCE: Department of Energy [DEE], Oct 85, 98p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE86900498/INW ABSTRACT: Report No. 87 is a summary of information on all aspects of coal and its use. There is also a discussion of the issues and constraints facing the coal industry. While some of these are readily identified from consideration of research to date and the material in the report, others are the opinions of the Coal Research Group. It is unlikely that all the issues facing the coal industry have been identified by the team at this stage. The identification of issues and constraints in this report is intended to note those issues which can, or need to be addressed at this stage. Chapter 18 gives some recommendations for research which could be undertaken now. Report 88, the appendices volume, is a more detailed description of the information collected. (Report 87 is derived from it). It should, however, be noted that even the more detailed appendices are themselves summaries of reports, documents, memos, etc., which contain the basic information on coal. These two documents collate an extensive amount of information in the public domain and examine the concepts relevant to the coal industry. (ERA citation 11:015572) REPORT NUMBER: NZERDC-87 |