TITLE: Untersuchung eines Kompaktreaktors zur biologischen Rein gung hochbelasteter Industrieabwaesser mit und ohne Zusatz von Aktivkohle.  Vorlaeufiger Abschlussbericht. (Investigation of a compact reactor for biological treatment of highly contaminated industrial waste water with/out activated carbon. Preliminary report)

AUTHOR: E.A. Naundorf;   N. Raebiger;   A. Vogelpohl.

INST.  AUTHOR: Technische Univ. Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Thermische Verfahrenstechnik.

SPONSOR: Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany, F.R.).


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic

SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ],  Jul 85,  118p.



This preliminary final report deals with the test results of a newly developed high-performance reactor, the compact reactor, for intensive biological waste water treatment. Details are given on the investigation of air/water and air/water/glass globe systems, of synthetic waste water, waste water from paper production processes, vapor condensates of a pulp factory and municipal sewage water. Investigations resulted in considerably higher biodegradation rates of compact reactors compared with those of conventional open activated sludge processes. The tests were carried out on a model compact reactor (D=0.14 m; L=1.0 m), a bubble column (D=0.14 m; L=1.0 m) and a semi-industrial system (D=0.3 m; L=2.5 m). The results of the different test series reveal why compact reactors can achieve much higher purification rates than conventional sewage treatment techniques. Moreover, they inform about optimum operating conditions. The higher efficiency of the compact reactor is mainly due to an improved oxygen transport, a much larger bacterial surface at equal bacterial concentrations, a higher activity of microorganisms due to mechanical activation, and the improved settling properties of sludges in the settling tank. Current investigations are to find out about further improvements in purification by addition of activated carbon. (orig.).  (Available from TIB Hannover: FR 4656+a.) (Copyright (c) 1991 by FIZ.  Citation no. 91:001874.)