TITLE: Fundamental studies of hydrogen chemisorption on supported monometallic and bimetallic catalysts using microcalorimetry. AUTHOR: R. L. Narayan. INST. AUTHOR: Ames Lab., IA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Thesis PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 24 Jun 97, 18p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE98000609INW ABSTRACT: Highly dispersed transition metal catalysts are used in numerous commercial processes such as hydrocarbon conversions. For example, the use of Pt supported on acidic alumina or silica-alumina for reforming of naphtha in the production of gasoline is well known. Another use of supported catalysts is in automobile emission control where supported Pt-Rh bimetallic catalysts are used. Supported Ru can be used in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis for the production of higher hydrocarbons from synthesis gas. While many of these catalyst systems have been in commercial operation for several decades there is still a lack of consensus regarding the exact role of the catalyst on a molecular level. In particular, little is known about the mechanisms operating on the catalyst surface at the high pressure and high temperature conditions typically used in commercial operations. This report contains the general introduction and conclusions and an appendix containing the operating instructions for a microcalorimeter. Three chapters have been processed separately. They are: the effect of K on the kinetics and thermodynamics of hydrogen adsorption on Ru/SiO(sub 2); hydrogen adsorption states on silica supported Ru-Ag and Ru-Cu bimetallic catalysts investigated via microcalorimetry; a comparative study of hydrogen chemisorption on silica supported Ru, Rh, and Pt. REPORT NUMBER: IS-T-1812 CONTRACT NUMBER: W-7405-ENG-82 |