TITLE: Materials for Coal Conversion and Use. Volume II, Part I and II. Final Report on Task 005. AUTHOR: V. K. Nangia. INST. AUTHOR: Engineering Societies Commission on Energy, Inc., Washington, DC. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Oct 79, 409p. ABSTRACT: ESCOE is reviewing the work done to date on behavior of materials in coal conversion and utilitization working environments. The complete report consists of three volumes. Volume I, Materials of Construction for Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Coal Combustion, has been completed and issued. In addition to this second volume, Materials of Construction for Coal Conversion Systems, there is a third volume, Materials of Construction for Advanced Power Systems. Advanced power systems include magnetohydrodynamics power generation, fuel cells, pressurized fluidized bed combustion, and high-temperature turbines. These volumes describe the present and past work on behavior of materials in the environments of coal conversion and use systems; evaluate the available data; identify materials problems; areas; define operating conditions in terms of temperature, pressure, erosive and corrosive environments, and their effects on the construction materials; propose candidate materials of construction based on extrapolation of the available data and related experience from other technologies; and recommend areas needing further research and development. Volume II is presented in two parts: Part I-Coal Gasification, Chapter 1.0 through Chapter 8.0; Part II-Coal Liquefaction, Chapter 9.0 through Chapter 13.0. (ERA citation 05:025152) CONTRACT NUMBER: EF-77-C-01-2468-005 |