TITLE: Effects of Electron Beam Irradiation on Gas Mixture of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen in the Presence of Solid Catalysts.

AUTHOR: S. Nagai;   K. Matsuda;   H. Arai;   M. Hatada.

INST.  AUTHOR: Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo.

LANGUAGE: Japanese

PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report


SOURCE: Other [INIS],  Oct 78,  75p.


Considering that radiation chemistry may contribute to solve the future problem of chemical resources, studies have been carried out to find how radiation chemistry plays a role in synthesizing organic raw materials for future chemical industries from carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The studies are in two projects; radiation chemical reaction of the mixture in gas phase, and the same with solid catalyst in which we have participated since fiscal 1975. This report describes the studies over the past three years on the radiation chemical reactions of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the presence of various solid catalysts. The catalysts studied were Fe-Cu catalyst supported on diatomaceous earth (Fischer-Tropsch catalyst), silica gel, graphite, Ag, and chromia-zinc oxide. The presence of Fischer-Tropsch catalyst, whose effects were studied in most detail, proves to favor the hydrogenation reaction of olefins produced catalytically, and of aldehydes produced radiation chemically in gas phase. Studies on the other solid catalysts revealed that silica gel exhibits catalytic selectivity for the reaction producing hydrocarbons and that there exist solids entirely inactive to radiation chemical reaction of the gas mixture. (Atomindex citation 10:481730)