TITLE: Opportunities in the synfuels industry. Proceedings. INST. AUTHOR: North Dakota Univ., Grand Forks. Energy and Environmental Research Center. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1990, 355p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE91014476INW NOTES: Symposium on opportunities in the synfuels industry: SynOps 90, Bismarck, ND (USA), 27-30 Aug 1990. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. ABSTRACT: Reports from a meeting on opportunities in the synfuels industry are presented. Topics included: prospects and constraints in the use of coal in Italy; Australian coals in the domestic and international energy scenes, the present and future; update on the synfuels industry in the republic of South Africa; a comparative techno-economic analysis of coprocessing, direct coal liquefaction and resid upgrading; review and update of the coal fired diesel engine; German coals; utilisation now and in future; Canadian coal export future; coal gasification combined cycle power generation enhancement with methanol; the outlook for coal in Korea; US coal export opportunities; coal opportunities in Eastern Europe; world oil price and how it relates to future coal mine development; the technologies of the clean coal technology demonstration program; use of oil shale waste in a circulating fluid bed; synfuels in Japan; beneficiation by oil agglomeration of center North Dakota lignite; healy clean coal project; the future coal in southeast Asia; global perspectives; and fluid bed operations to date. Individual projects are processed separately on the data bases. REPORT NUMBER: CONF-900845 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-90PC90361 |