TITLE: Impact Study of Synthetic and Alternative Fuel Usage in Army Aircraft Propulsion Systems. AUTHOR: C. A. Moses; M. L. Valtierra. INST. AUTHOR: Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TX. Energy Systems Research Div. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Defense [DODXA], Jul 81, 166p. NTIS REPORT NO.: ADA111046 ABSTRACT: The U.S. Army is concerned about the quality of future aircraft fuels and their compatibility with current engines and aircraft fuel systems. This impact study of synthetic and alternate fuel usage on Army aircraft propulsion and fuel systems addresses four technical areas: (1) The fuel scenario for Army aviation gas turbine fuels; (2) The effects of initial properties or the performance and durability of engine and fuel system components; (3) The identification of engines and fuel system components used in Army aircraft and their interface with the fuel; and (4) A review of qualification and certification procedures. (Author) REPORT NUMBER: SWRI-MED134 CONTRACT NUMBER: N00140-80-C-2269 |