TITLE: Suitability of Shale Fuels for Army Generator Sets.

AUTHOR: A. F. Montemayor.

INST.  AUTHOR: Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TX. Army Fuels and Lubricants Research Lab.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Defense [DODXA],  Dec 81,  69p.


Gasoline, diesel, and gas turbine generator sets were examined to determine which shale fuel properties might adversely affect their performance, Information from engine manufacturers, fuel system manufacturers, U.S. Army Troop Support and Aviation Readiness Command (USATSARCOM) personnel and existing literature was consulted to identify existing/potential problems. Known shale fuel properties were presented and compared to military specifications. Generator sets were separated into major grouping by the fuel systems they employ. A listing of generator sets was included in order to facilitate generator set selection for testing. In general, the performance of shale fuels seemed to be comparable to that of petroleum fuels. Long-term problems such as elastomer degradation, poor life, and difficult cold weather starting may  manifest themselves if refiners are unable to meet military specifications. Based on the fuels produced to date, refiners should be able to meet specifications and provide shale fuels suitable for generator set operation. Several fuel properties not covered in military specifications (such as lubricity and hydrocarbon composition) were seen as potential problem areas. A recommended test procedure has been provided to test the areas of concern presented in this report. (Author)


CONTRACT  NUMBER: DAAK70-80-C-0001;   DAAK70-82-C-0001