TITLE: New Catalysts for the Indirect Liquefaction of Coal. First Quarterly Technical Report, August 1-October 31, 1981. AUTHOR: G. A. Melson. INST. AUTHOR: Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Richmond. Dept. of Chemistry. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1981, 4p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE85013156/INW ABSTRACT: During the first three months of the second year of support under grant No. FG22-80PC30228 work has concentrated on the evaluation of the catalytic ability of some iron/zeolite catalysts for synthesis gas conversion. The catalysts were prepared from Fe sub 3 (CO) sub 12 and the zeolite support 13X by methods previously reported or from Fe(NO sub 3 ) sub 3 x 9 H sub 2 O and the support by the incipient wetness technique. All catalysts have been evaluated using a synthesis gas mixture of H sub 2 :CO, 1:1 at 300 psig and at 280 exp 0 and 300 exp 0 C with a Chemical Data Systems Series 804 CF-HP microreactor. Effluent gases and liquid products have been analyzed by techniques described in previous reports. Each catalyst was evaluated for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. The catalytic data obtained are presented. 1 tab. (ERA citation 10:030066) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/30228-T10 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-80PC30228 |