TITLE: Versprittung von Nebenprodukten aus der Staerkegewinnung in einer Pilotanlage. (Fuel production from by-products of yeast production in a pilot plant) AUTHOR: R. Matthes. INST. AUTHOR: Hanover Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Fachbereich Chemie. LANGUAGE: German PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ], 15 Dec 86, 131p. NTIS ORDER NO.: TIB/B89-80316/INW ABSTRACT: To spray the by-products of the starch produced in a pilot plant, it was first necessary to optimize the media. To this end, an optimum ratio had to be found between the by-products potatoe protein liquid, amniotic fluid of potatoes and wheat sewage, as nutrient sources, and saccharified waste starch, as a carbon source. Moreover, it was necessary, during media optimization, to determine the limiting elements of the nutrient sources, with the aim of supplementing the nutrient sources, should the need arise. With the optimized media, batch fermentation was subsequently effected in the laboratory fermenter, with the aim of obtaining kinetic data. These were compared with data in the pertinent literature. With respect to investigations on productivity and capacity, X-D diagrams, in which working points could be obtained under various marginal conditions, were recorded. With the fermentation data from laboratory tests known, fermentation was carried out for 5 m (3) in a pilot plant. In a pilot plant consisting of a bubble column with a feedback device, fermentation could be done with distributed parameters. In this way, a cell enrichment to 130 g/l could be achieved with the help of sedimentation, which brought about a 100% productivity increase for ethyl alcohol, compared to the agitator vessel. (orig.). (Copyright (c) 1989 by FIZ. Citation no. 89:080316.) |