TITLE: New technology for fluid dynamic measurements in gas-liquid-solid three-phase flow reactors. AUTHOR: D. Liu. INST. AUTHOR: Energy Research Laboratories (Canada). Heavy Oil Upgrading Section, Ottawa (Ontario). SPONSOR: Canada Centre for Mineral & Energy Technology, Ottawa (Ontario). LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Canada SOURCE: Other [$TFCAN], 1991, 7p. NTIS ORDER NO.: MIC-95-04891INW ABSTRACT: To improve the knowledge of fluid dynamics inside commercial gas-liquid-solid three-phase flow reactors, CANMET proposes to form a consortium to develop multiple-beam gamma-ray technology to measure the fluid dynamic parameters in heavy oil upgraders at processing conditions. The consortium would apply this technology to study effect of fluid dynamics on the upgrading process and assist industry in developing comprehensive reactor models for the optimization of commercial upgraders. This document describes the background to the proposal, the basic principles of three-phase flow reactors and fluid dynamic measurement by gamma-ray technology, the benefits and costs of participation in the consortium, and the expertise and facilities to be made available by CANMET. |