TITLE: Vergleichende Studien zur Hydrierung von Kohlenmonoxid und -dioxid an Cobaltfolie mit und ohne Ethenzusatz. Mit einem zusaetzlichen Bericht ueber die Stoerung des Ammoniaknachweises durch Kohlendioxid im Rahmen der DeNOx-Analytik. (Comparative investigations on hydrogenation of CO and CO2 on cobalt foil, with and without ethylene additives. Including a report on the problems caused by CO2 in ammonia detection in the framework of DeNox analysis) AUTHOR: U. Lacher. INST. AUTHOR: Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ., Erlangen (Germany, F.R.). Fachbereich Biologie und Chemie. LANGUAGE: German PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ], 31 Jul 92, 157p. NTIS ORDER NO.: TIB/A94-05410INW ABSTRACT: CO and CO2 were hydrogenated on a polycrystalline cobalt foil in a stirred tank reactor. The main product is methane, with hydrocarbons up to C8 and preferably linear alkanes and alkenes as by products. The reaction process and products were investigated for varying reaction conditions (temperature, concentration of CO or CO2, additional educts). (VT). (Copyright (c) 1994 by FIZ. Citation no. 94:005410.) |