TITLE: Two-Stage Process for Conversion of Synthesis Gas to High Quality Transportation Fuels. Quarterly Report, 1 October-31 December 1984. AUTHOR: J. C. W. Kuo. INST. AUTHOR: Mobil Research and Development Corp., Paulsboro, NJ. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Feb 85, 69p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE85015199/INW ABSTRACT: This quarterly report describes the conclusion of the seventh run of the Two-Stage Fischer-Tropsch/ZSM-5 pilot plant, as well as the startup and early operation of the eighth run. The latter run uses Catalyst I-C at moderate pressures and temperatures to produce low methane + ethane yields. Also in this report are results of hydrodynamic studies performed in our 5.1 cm ID hot-flow bubble-column, using a 2 mm single orifice feed-gas distributor. Finally, we discuss some of the results of mathematical model studies of using staged continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) as alternatives to bubble-column reactors. 19 refs., 11 figs., 4 tabs. (ERA citation 10:038940) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/60019-6 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-83PC60019 |