TITLE: Measurement techniques for local and global fluid dynamic quantities in two and three phase systems. AUTHOR: S. Kumar; M. P. Dudukovic; B. A. Toseland. INST. AUTHOR: Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Lehigh Valley, PA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Mar 96, 56p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE97050784INW ABSTRACT: This report presents a critical review of the methods available for assessing the fluid dynamic parameters in large industrial two and three phase bubble column and slurry bubble column reactors operated at high pressure and temperature. The physical principles behind various methods are explained, and the basic design of the instrumentation needed to implement each measurement principle is discussed. Fluid dynamic properties of interest are: gas, liquid and solids holdup and their axial and radial distribution as well as the velocity distribution of the two (bubble column) or three phases (slurry bubble column). This information on operating pilot plant and plant reactors is essential to verify the computational fluid dynamic codes as well as scale-up rules used in reactor design. Without such information extensive and costly scale-up to large reactors that exploit syngas chemistries, and other reactors in production of fuels and chemicals, cannot be avoided. In this report, available measurement techniques for evaluation of global and local phase holdups, instantaneous and average phase velocities and for the determination of bubble sizes in gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid systems are reviewed. Advantages and disadvantages of various techniques are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying methods that can be employed on large scale, thick wall, high pressure and high temperature reactors used in the manufacture of fuels and chemicals from synthesis gas and its derivatives. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/95051-T1 CONTRACT NUMBER: FC22-95PC95051 |