TITLE: Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in the Liquid Phase.

AUTHOR: H. Koelbel;   M. Ralek.

INST.  AUTHOR: Technische Univ., Berlin (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Technische Chemie.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DET],  Sep 79,  76p.

NOTES: Tanslation source information not available. Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in the Liquid Phase--Translation.


The liquid-phase F-T synthesis takes place in a bubble column reactor where the synthesis gas is converted on catalysts suspended in a liquid as fine particles. The synthesis gas flows as small bubbles through the catalyst suspension. The synthesis products, which are volatile under the operating conditions employed, are removed with the residual gas, and the liquid products are separated from the suspension. The heat of reaction is removed by water evaporated in cooling pipes immersed in the suspension.  The use of the bubble column reactor for F-T synthesis has the following advantages, which are discussed in detail in the paper: uniform temperature in the reactor; high contact and reactor efficiency; a catalyst efficiency of about 1; good heat exchange; favorable conditions for catalyst regeneration; and simple construction and therefore low investment costs. Control of the heat of reaction, which reaches a considerable order of magnitude, does not present any problem. It is necessary to eliminate local overheating because it leads to methane formation and damage to the catalyst. The flexibility of the suspension reactor makes it possible to establish specific operating conditions permitting a selective control of the synthesis and therefore its economical operation. The bubble column reactor allows the introduction of synthesis gases rich in carbon monoxide without the risk of clogging or some other undesirable effect that might be caused by the liberation of carbon by the Boudouard reaction. The special features of the three-phase bubble column reactor do exert an influence on the reaction process of the F-T synthesis. Detailed information on the behavior of bubble column reactors can be found in the literature to which references are given.  (ERA citation 05:005310)