TITLE: Heat Transfer in Bubble Columns. AUTHOR: H. Koelbel; W. Siemes; R. Maas; K. Mueller. INST. AUTHOR: Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic SOURCE: Department of Energy [DET], 1958, 19p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE89012412/INW NOTES: Translated from. Heat Transfer in Bubble Columns--Translation. ABSTRACT: Sufficient dimensioning of cooling and heating surfaces in bubble column reactors requires knowledge of the heat transfer coefficient under different operating conditions. The heat transfer on pipes that were suspended in bubble columns were investigated as a function of various parameters. The heat transfer is particularly strongly dependent on the gas velocity and the viscosity of the liquid. The results can be described by exponential functions. 15 refs. REPORT NUMBER: BNL-TR-1074 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC02-76CH00016 |