TITLE: Untersuchung von Blasensaeulenreaktoren mittels Ultraschall-Tomographie. (Examination of bubble column reactors by means of ultrasonic tomography) INST. AUTHOR: Karlsruhe Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Mess- und Regelungstechnik mit Maschinenlaboratorium. LANGUAGE: German PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ], 17 Aug 87, 33p. NTIS ORDER NO.: TIB/A88-82876/INW ABSTRACT: There is a report on achieving the concept of a process for the thermochemical reconstruction of the local distribution of the dispersed phase in bubble flow. Previously known disadvantages of ultrasonic tomography for such bubble column examinations are avoided by structural improvements of the picture system (details given). A signal model regarding other parameters which can be evaluated, such as auto-correlation and scatter, was also examined. By modifying the direct Fourier method, improvements could be achieved in the quality of reconstruction. Data on direct Fourier method optimisation are given. As it is not only possible to obtain projection data of flow parameter distribution by the extinction of ultrasonics, but also from the running time of sound pulses, there are requirements for high accuracy regarding the running time measurements. This is only possible with a special phase control circuit. Finally, there are reports on the theory of tomographic evaluation of running time data and the build-up of the phase control circuit. (HWJ). (TIB: FR 856.) (Copyright (c) 1988 by FIZ. Citation no. 88:082876.) |