TITLE: Separation of Fischer-Tropsch Wax from Catalyst by Supercritical Extraction. AUTHOR: P. C. Joyce; M. C. Thies. INST. AUTHOR: USDOE Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, Washington, DC LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 31 Jan 97, 15p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE97053758INW ABSTRACT: The proposed process of using supercritical fluid extraction in conjunction with the Fischer-Tropsch slurry bubble column reactor has been examined using the ASPEN Plus simulator by the research group at North Carolina State University. Qualitative results have been obtained for varying the following process parameters: solvent-to-wax ratio, solvent type (pentane or hexane), extraction temperature and pressure, and recovery unit temperature and pressure. The region of retrograde behavior was determined for pentane and hexane. Initial results show hexane to be the superior solvent; compared to pentane, hexane requires lower quantities of solvent makeup (the amount of solvent which needs to be added to account for solvent that cannot be recycled), and also results in a lower average molecular weight of slurry in the reactor. Studies indicate that increasing the extraction temperature, extraction pressure, recovery temperature, or solvent to wax ratio decreases the amount solvent makeup required. Decreasing the recovery pressure was found to decrease the makeup flowrate. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/94219-T12 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-94PC94219 |