TITLE: Moessbauer spectroscopy studies of iron-catalysts used in Fischer-Tropsch (FT) processes. Quarterly technical progress report, October--December, 1994. AUTHOR: G. P. Huffman; K. R. P. Rao. INST. AUTHOR: Kentucky Univ., Lexington. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1994, 11p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE96000914INW ABSTRACT: Moessbauer spectroscopy investigations on 6 iron-based catalysts and analysis of the XAFS measurements done earlier on 23 catalysts , were carried out during the period under review. A set of 4 catalysts subjected to CO pretreatment and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis were sent by Robert J. Gormley, PETC, Dept. of Energy, to understand the effect of reduction on the iron phases formed. A catalyst activated in CO and subjected to Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and extracted directly into an ''O'' ring sealed Moessbauer absorber holder under argon atmosphere and another catalyst from the same run but exposed to air were sent by Dr. Burt Davis, CAER, Univ. of Kentucky, for identifying the iron phases present and to monitor the differences, if any, between two catalysts. Results to date are presented. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/93066-T4 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-94PC93066 |