TITLE: Novel Experimental Studies for Coal Liquefaction. Quarterly Progress Report, January 1-March 31, 1986. AUTHOR: G. Holder; Y. T. Shah; J. W. Tierney. INST. AUTHOR: Pittsburgh Univ., PA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1986, 23p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE86010326/INW ABSTRACT: Accomplishments are presented for the following two tasks: (1) thermal behavior of slurry reactors used for indirect liquefaction; and (2) coal liquefaction under supercritical conditions. For task one experimental procedure for the hydrogenolysis of methyl formats using a Cu-Cr catalyst and summary of the data obtained are presented. The objective for task two is to measure mass transfer rates for naphthalene extraction by carbon dioxide in order to determine how mass transfer coefficients vary with pressure, flow rate and bed height. These parameters will influence the design of extraction or reaction processes which utilize supercritical fluids. A review of mass transfer/equilibrium under supercritical conditions, design and construction of experimental apparatus and calculation of mass transfer coefficients are presented. 12 refs., 6 figs., 3 tabs. (ERA citation 11:031311) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/71257-T6 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-84PC71257 |