TITLE: Chemistry and Morphology of Coal Liquefaction. Quarterly Report, January 1, 1984-March 31, 1984. AUTHOR: H. Heinemann. INST. AUTHOR: California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Apr 84, 24p. ABSTRACT: In task 1, selective synthesis of gasoline-range components from synthesis gas, rate expressions were developed for four different iron catalysts (promoted and unpromoted). Data for all four catalysts can be correlated by a semi-empirical expression. In task 2 catalyzed low temperature reactions of carbon and water, the catalytic activity for the production of hydrocarbons from graphite and water over KOH plus a co-catalyst was investigated for several first row transition metals. NiO showed the greatest activity. Several samples of exp 13 CO, exp 13 CO sub 2 and H sub 2 O adsorbed on graphite and on catalyst-graphite systems after reaction with steam were prepared for NMR investigation. In task 3 chemistry of coal solubilization and liquefaction, rate studies of quinoline reduction to tetrahydroquinoline in the presence of the homogeneous catalysts (phi sub 3 P) sub 3 RhCl have provided definitive evidence that benzothiophene, indole, pyrrole, carbazole, thiophene, p-cresol and dibenzothiophene enhance the initial rate of hydrogenation of quinoline by a factor greater than 1.5. P-cresol was found to enhance the initial rate of hydrogenation of quinoline (1.6 to 2 fold) in a model coal liquid with polymer-supported (2% cross-linked) (phi sub 3 P) sub 3 RhCl. 2 references, 6 figures. (ERA citation 09:032532) REPORT NUMBER: LBL-17671 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC03-76SF00098 |