TITLE: Labor- und halbtechnische Untersuchungen zur Verwertung von Erdgas durch Umwandlung in fluessige Kohlenwasserstoffe durch Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese. Schlussbericht. (Investigations on the utilization of natural gas by production of liquid hydrocarbons by Fischer-Tropsch-synthesis in laboratory and semi-technical scale. Final report) AUTHOR: K. Hedden; A. Jess; T. Kuntze; R. Popp; H. Raak. INST. AUTHOR: Karlsruhe Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Bereich 1 - Gas, Erdoel und Kohle. LANGUAGE: German PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Germany Federal Republic SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ], Nov 93, 51p. NTIS ORDER NO.: TIB/A94-05028INW ABSTRACT: Some countries, e.g. the State of Qatar at the Arabian Gulf, have huge reserves of natural gas. The economic utilization of this gas is limited. The production of liquid hydrocarbons from natural gas is at present economically not possible; because of it's high investment costs, the only industrial plant that produces liquid hydrocarbons via the intermediate product methanol is operating uneconomically. To get the conditions for a process with low investment costs, basic investigations on the production of liquid hydrocarbons by Fischer-Tropsch-Synthesis were done in laboratory and semi-technical scale. The basic steps of this with low investment costs process are: Production of synthesis gas by catalytic partial oxidation of the natural gas with air, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, separation of the liquid hydrocarbons (e.g. gasoline, wax and diesel-fuel), off-gas utilization. (orig.). (Copyright (c) 1994 by FIZ. Citation no. 94:005028.) CONTRACT NUMBER: BMFT 0326563A |