TITLE: Untersuchung und mathematische Modellierung von chemischen Reaktionen in Mehrphasenstroemungen. Schlussbericht. (Investigation and mathematical modellation of chemical reactions in multiphase flows. Final report) INST. AUTHOR: Halle-Wittenberg Univ., Merseburg (DE). Inst. fuer Bioverfahrens- und Reaktionstechnik. LANGUAGE: German PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Germany SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ], 31 May 94, 54p. NTIS ORDER NO.: TIB/A95-01435INW ABSTRACT: The trajectory theory has been applied to the modellation of bubble columns. Differential equation systems were derived for process description on the level of structure elements. For experimental investigations a bubble column test stand has been installed. Kinetics and concentration fluctuations within the column were studied using CO(2) absorption by aqueous NaOH solution as a model reaction. Measured gas content profiles were analyzed using the derived trajectory equations. It is demonstrated that by inclusion of the structure movement the description of hydrodynamic effects can be improved. (WEN). (Copyright (c) 1995 by FIZ. Citation no. 95:001435.) |