TITLE: Synthesis of Higher Alcohols from the Mixture CO+H/sub 2/. Preparation and Characterization of Mixed Oxide Catalysts Based on Copper and Cobalt. Study of Stationary State and of Reaction Mechanism. Vol. 2. AUTHOR: P. Grandvallet. INST. AUTHOR: Institut Francais du Petrole, Rueil-Malmaison. LANGUAGE: French PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: France SOURCE: Department of Energy [DEE], Jun 85, 96p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE87752315/INW ABSTRACT: The second volume includes appendices. Experimental techniques are presented: catalyst preparation and characterization (by ESCA, magnetic susceptibility and STEM), catalyst testing, chromatographic techniques, methanol decomposition, technology of synthesis under pressure from CO and H/sub 2/. Catalyst precursors in spinel phase and hydroxycarbonate phase obtained by coprecipitation are described. Transformation of hydroxycarbonates into mixed oxides by thermal activation is presented. Distribution obtained in Fisher -Tropsch synthesis is explained by mathematical equations in stationary and non stationary states. (ERA citation 12:036599) REPORT NUMBER: IFP-34-367-2 |