TITLE: Hydrodynamics models for slurry bubble column reactors. Second technical progress report, October 1994--December 1994. AUTHOR: D. Gidaspow. INST. AUTHOR: Illinois Inst. of Tech., Chicago. Dept. of Chemical Engineering. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Jan 95, 2p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE95007921INW ABSTRACT: The objective of this investigation is to convert a learning gas-solid-liquid fluidization model into a predictive design model. The IIT hydrodynamic model computes the phase velocities and the volume fractions of gas, liquid and particulate phases. Model verification involves a comparison of these computed velocities and volume fractions to experimental values. A combination of X-ray and gamma-ray densitometers was used to measure the solids and the liquid volume fractions in a two dimensional bed in the bubble coalesced regime. There is a reasonable agreement between preliminary theoretical computations for an asymmetric distributor and the experiments. A high resolution micro-imaging/measuring system apparatus was used to measure instantaneous and time averaged particle velocities. The fluctuations of particle velocities around their average were found to be approximately Maxwellian. The measured time averaged velocities compare reasonably well with the predicted velocities for an asymmetric distributor used in this study. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/94208-T2 CONTRACT NUMBER: FG22-94PC94208 |