TITLE: Hydrodynamic models for slurry bubble column reactors. Eighth technical progress report, April 1996--June 1996.

AUTHOR: D. Gidaspow.

INST.  AUTHOR: IIT Research Inst., Chicago, IL. Dept. of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  Jul 96,  7p.



The objective of this investigation is to convert our (open quotes)learning gas - solid - liquid(close quotes) fluidization model into a predictive design model. The IIT hydrodynamic model computes the phase velocities and the volume fractions of gas, liquid and particulate phases.  Model verification involves a comparison of these computed velocities and volume fractions to experimental values. As promised in the SIXTH

TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT, January 1996, this report presents our measurements of granular temperature of Air Products catalyst in our new two dimensional bubble column with controlled jets that roughly approximates the Air Products methanol reactor. We have observed much higher granular temperatures with gas flow than was the case for liquid flow with Air Products catalyst. This means there is much better stirring caused by the high gas flow; clearly a desirable feature in a reactor. We have also observed that there exists a maximum in granular temperature at low solids loading. Operationally this means it may not be desirable to operate at very high catalyst concentrations due to reduced stirring at the high catalyst concentrations. This behavior is very similar to that observed by us in a circulating fluidized bed used to make gasoline from coal, a study to appear in the AIChE Journal.