TITLE: Public Health Hazards of Lurgi/Fischer-Tropsch Coal Liquefaction. AUTHOR: J. R. Gasper; S. E. Rosenberg. INST. AUTHOR: Argonne National Lab., IL. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Jan 81, 63p. ABSTRACT: This analysis identifies the public hazards of wastes from Lurgi/Fischer-Tropsch coal liquefaction. Because data on dose-response and synergism are not available for many of the waste chemicals from this process, we evaluated hazards with a relative risk approach. This approach employs two measures of hazards. First, body burdens that result from exposure to Lurgi/Fischer-Tropsch wastes are compared to body burdens from other sources of the same chemicals. Second ambient concentrations of pollutants from Lurgi/Fischer-Tropsch operations are projected and compared to various air and water quality standards. (ERA citation 07:003218) REPORT NUMBER: ANL/EES-TM-153 CONTRACT NUMBER: W-31-109-ENG-38 |